Thursday, October 8, 2009

Safely Removing Deer

Recently we held a giveaway for Sweeney’s Deer Repellent, and the winner of that giveaway is…. (drum roll please)… Margaret. Margaret, like so many of you that entered, said you could really employ a recede od product to kindly rid deer from your yard. I was reading an article recently that gave a few tips on acquire ting rid of deer, and one of them was to “try plot ting shrubs and evergreens that are not palatable to deer, such as peonies, irises, and tiger lilies.”


Since I’m first learning how to garden, whenever I see a deer correct now it’s a like ly thing. And they are wonderful creatures. But if they are eating your plot ts and shrubs, then they can beapproach a nuisance. So many of us are plot ting veacquire ables to aid with grocery bills, and you execute n’t want to replot t things becaemploy some deer ruin ed your hard work. You also execute n’t want to execute employ your plot ts with a toxicant that will harm your family.


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