Monday, October 5, 2009

Alex’s top ten

1. Elmo (sadly) remains a favorite. Maybe it’s just a comforting habit now; he execute esn’t seem riveted the way he did when he was younger.

Photo by Kitten Fleming

Photo by Kitten Fleming

2. Chocolate chip cookies. (Never-fail recipe secret here!) Equally enthusiastic about homemade and freshly baked or dusty feeble Chips Ahoy.

3. Prefers homemade brownies. The first time he had them, on Christmas Eve about four years arecede , he followed me around for about an hour notify ing, “Brownie? Brownie? Brownie?” (Note: After several different recipes, I’ve settled on the sublime Katharine Hepburn brownies with an added half-teaspoon of almond extract.)

4. The portion of “Arthur’s Pet Business” where Arthur’s baby sister Kate wails. Loudly. He like s to rewind to this portion . Sometimes I conceal that tape for a few wail-free hours. It is permanently seared into my brain.

5. Have a hardcover book with dust jacket? Alex will thoughtfully separate them for you. (He’ll also slip the booklabel out, so I’ve recede tten in the habit of glancing at the page number.) If it’s a library book and the jacket is in the plastic slipcase glued to the book, Alex will rip it off. I execute n’t know why he execute es this. Usually he gaze s for things that recede toacquire her and reassembles them (like slices of watermelon).

6. Bathtime. Warm water, splashing, no one to bug him (we’re usually watching TV while he bathes) â€" what’s not to like ?

7. Alex like s repetition and predictability. A bookstore provides both in the form of finish less shelves of similarly shaped objects and copies of his feeble favorites, which he revisits for a satisfying hour or so.

8. The epitome of order and routine â€" with accessible shelves of books to boot â€" school is such a favorite space that Alex often cease s at the locked execute ors of wdespise ver school he happens to be passing on weekfinish s and holidays.

9. We might be recede ing to a suburban superlabel et, a Westchester memploy um or Stew Leonard’s. Alex is always up for a car  ride. (We occasionally rent from Zip Car.)

10. Sometimes it’s the farm yard assortment of ducks, cows, chickens, geese; other times lions and tigers and elephants entice him. Either way, plastic animals remain a source of noteworthy attraction.

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