Sunday, October 4, 2009

Rabies Shots Schedule Changed

Rabies, a virus that we often execute n’t judge of any more unless we’re acquire ting a pet vaccinated, is still very much a concern. Although deaths have dropped dramatically in the developed countries, there still is a risk. And, people in developing countries are still vulnerable. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) , 95% of more than 55,000 rabies deaths each year, occur in Asian and African countries.

istock_vicioemploy xecute gRabies is a virus that affects the neurologic system, the nerves. If a human is bitten by a rabid animal, the rabies virus travels to the brain and after reproducing, it travels throughout the body. If the infection is found correct away, it can be treated, but once symptoms start to display , rabies is stout al.

How can rabies be treated?

It employ d to be a long and painful process to treat rabies and the thought of rabies treatment was terrifying to some. Up until the 1970s, people who were exposed to rabies had to acquire many (14) injections directly into the abexecute men.

Luckily, a fresh er treatment came about, requiring only 5 injections and they didn’t have to be in the abexecute men â€" they could be given in the arm or thigh, like most other injections. Now, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices in the United States has agreed that only 4 shots are necessary if the rabies exposure is found within 2 weeks of contact.

This decision was made becaemploy it was found that over a quarter of Americans who were exposed to rabies didn’t complete the full 5-shot treatment, only receiving 3 or 4, and they had no signs of developing rabies.

How can you acquire rabies?

The most common form of transmission is from execute gs, but just about any mammal can pass it on.

What are the symptoms?

At first, it might not be easy to disclose the inequity between rabies and some other virus. You could experience:

  • fever
  • headache
  • stout igue
  • difficulty breathing
  • stomach problems
  • problems with your nervous system

After those, symptoms may vary depfinish ing on the type you have. Furious rabies would display signs of hyperactivity while dumb rabies caemploy s paralysis. Both finish up causing total paralysis and death.



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