Friday, October 9, 2009

My Girl Crush on Bonnie Hunt

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Terminal Nonjudgmentalism Alert: Forbes Asks Peter Singer to Name His "Five Favorite Animals"

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Alex and Toast

Our cat, Toast, has an uneasy space in our hoemploy hfeeble . She’s not that nice. She’s somewhat aloof (except at mealtime) â€" but she needed a home, and we needed a cat, and she found us, so that’s that.

Toast and portrait of Toast (by Ned)

We all have different opinions. Jeff and I aren’t that enthusiastic about Toast mostly becaemploy of some incidents where she’s peed on our bed. Ned really likes her and carries her around and brushes her and gives her treats. Alex ignores her most of the time. Now and then when we first recede t her (if you can call allowing a cat who walked through your front execute or to stay “recede t her”) he’d reach out and push her. This was possibly, according to one of his therapists, a way of amusing himself by making her go . “He can create her recede , almost like a toy,” she clarify ed.

These days, Alex leaves her alone. Unless she’s on one of our tables (coffee or dining room). If so, he never fails to reach over and attempt to acquire her off. For months we thought he just didn’t like her that much and couldn’t resist the chance to express a tiny disdain. But the other day it hit me. Almost every night, Toast jumps on the table while we’re eating. And we despise this, and we’ve tfeeble her so.

And I judge Alex has heard us screaming at her to acquire OFF THE TABLE while we’re eating â€" and he’s judge ing, There’s that cat on the table. They hfeeble disclose ing her to acquire execute wn. Well, I’ll create her acquire execute wn.

We employ d to disclose him to leave her alone, but now I judge Alex has the correct thought . It took me a while to figure it out, since Alex is often very clearsighted about something we’re missing, but now I agree. That cat should  never be on the table.

Image: Jill Cornfield

PETA Admits It Kills Aexecute ptable Cats and Dogs

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Safely Removing Deer

Recently we held a giveaway for Sweeney’s Deer Repellent, and the winner of that giveaway is…. (drum roll please)… Margaret. Margaret, like so many of you that entered, said you could really employ a recede od product to kindly rid deer from your yard. I was reading an article recently that gave a few tips on acquire ting rid of deer, and one of them was to “try plot ting shrubs and evergreens that are not palatable to deer, such as peonies, irises, and tiger lilies.”


Since I’m first learning how to garden, whenever I see a deer correct now it’s a like ly thing. And they are wonderful creatures. But if they are eating your plot ts and shrubs, then they can beapproach a nuisance. So many of us are plot ting veacquire ables to aid with grocery bills, and you execute n’t want to replot t things becaemploy some deer ruin ed your hard work. You also execute n’t want to execute employ your plot ts with a toxicant that will harm your family.


Clear Signs


By human standards, our cat Toast is autistic.


- She’s unable to understand directions. Fails consistently to respond to such clear commands as “Get off the table!”, or

“Don’t recede in the bedroom!” condition seems to be beyond willfulness, and a genuine lack of comprehension.

- Sometimes unusually difficult to toilet-train (see “live indepfinish ently”)

- Doesn’t clearly articulate needs and desires. Seems to want to be petted, then scurries away. Rubs against the base of

the kitchen counters before mealtimes in an obvious stimming activity rather than just approach out and question for dinner.

Frustrating: If only the language would emerge, our whole concept of Toast would change.

- Loves being brushed.  Again, stimming? Rubs her lips against the comb in obvious oral fixation.

- Sleeps poorly. Often up at all hours. Doesn’t hesitate to disturb the hoemploy hfeeble , especially in the hour before fracture quick .

- Has frequent “cease and stares,” and seems spellbound by simple objects like rolling balls or a peacock feather dragged under the bedspread.

- Eats a very limited diet. Will not eat veacquire ables or any crace chy foods, especially out of the box, though has learned to approach when box is shaken.

- Is indifferent to social conventions. Will lick herself correct in the middle of the floor during portion ies.

- Doesn’t know where she is in space. Often skids into walls or drop s off the winexecute wsill.

- Will probably never be able to hfeeble a job. May someday live indepfinish ently (see “toilet training”).

Which pets are best for autism? Check here.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

For the Love of a Dog

http://stout execute

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