Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Service Dog Swiped; Parents Turn to Biz

Bow Wow oh Wow: Thieves broke into a home late last week in Prospect, N.Y. The homeowners said the crooks didn’t hold jewelry or electronics, but only the five-month-feeble recede lden retriever puppy trained as a service execute g for children with autism.

Image: Bob1217 at flickr.com

Image: Bob1217 at flickr.com

Both young boys in the home have autism, and the mom notify s finding the correct execute g for her boys took two years, and paid quick dividfinish s: the execute g recently broke his chain to acquire to one boy who headed for the road. The execute g cost $800, so you can’t really blame the crooks: Look how many canes, wheelchairs, and walkers they’d have to swipe to create $800. Seriously, Hell has no fire hot enough for these guys, but it execute es sound like they kfresh just what they were after. Are autism service execute gs a hot fresh taracquire ?

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In Australia, the parents’ advocacy group Autism Angels is calling on businesses to support a program to aid their autistic children learn social and interactive sslay s. The group, reportedly tired of approaching the recede vernment for funding, has raised money to employ a psychologist and specialised teacher to provide weekly therapy to 20 children with autism. The money is evaporating, however, and if AA can’t secure more, parents will have to start paying for the service. More is here. Could be a recede od model for how parents’ groups may have to hold it to the streets here; a connection with business can offer special-needs groups quite a few advantages, not the least of which is possible job-space ment.

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Read All About It: The Coloraexecute Springs (Colo.) Gazette has race an esnotify by an 11-year-feeble with autism. The Epoch Times has race a Q.-and-A. with Dr. Harry Schneider on “rebuilding the grammar center” in autistic children.

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That autistic boy in Halifax, Nova Scotia, is recede ing to acquire a written apology from the local transit authority after he was recently question ed to leave a bus. The tale is here. People went back and forth on whether the bus driver was at fault here at all here, but the whole mess raises the question of better training for service personnel in dealing with a maturing autistic population.

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